Tribute to Miss Leesa Jeffcoat AM

The 24 May began with a full college mass and a sea of red, blue and white transformed our hall into a sacred space as we celebrated Emmaus Day. The sense of community, belonging and college spirit was palpable, further emphasised by the presence of Diocesan Director, Miss Leesa Jeffcoat. We took the opportunity to bid her farewell, as she leaves Catholic Education in the near future. How can you possibly encapsulate the career and contribution of someone as significant as Miss Jeffcoat in one post? Miss Jeffcoat attended Marian College for Girls before going on to become a staff member, teaching several of our current Emmaus staff, much to the shock and surprise of many students! Miss Jeffcoat’s outstanding career in Catholic Education will be forever entwined with the story of Emmaus College.

Miss Jeffcoat has a been a pillar of Catholic Education in her 23 years as Director, prioritising opportunities for all students. During her farewell speech, Miss Jeffcoat reflected on the educational opportunities that Marian College, one of the founding colleges behind our current college, provided for young women. She encouraged our current students to fulfill their endless potential and pursue their goals. Our college hall echoed with the strains of a beautiful blessing over Miss Jeffcoat which was sung by our college community. Miss Jeffcoat then departed our college to the sound of rapturous applause.

Our sincere gratitude to Miss Jeffcoat for ‘Walking With Us’ on our Emmaus College journey and being such an integral part of the heart of our college. We wish her all the very best for the next part of her personal life journey. We pray that God blesses her abundantly and that she enjoys having some more time on her hands to do the other things in her life, which make her happy.

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